Our Mission
To provide a warm, inclusive Jewish home in the southwest Denver metro area.
Upcoming Events
Come on out to help your friends clean our stretch of Bowles Ave. Stay tuned for details.
Yes, Beit Midrash is back! But what exactly is Beit Midrash, you ask. Literally it means "House of Learning" or, more colloquially, study hall. Our Beit Midrash is a delightful smorgasbord of delicious learning opportunities. See this flyer for all the general details. This flyer describes this month's offering.
Sometimes we venture away from our synagogue to celebrate Shabbat out in the community. Besides being new and interesting, this gives the opportunity to participate to those who might otherwise not be able to attend. We hope you can join us for Shabbat Out and About. Stay tuned for details about the next event.
"Children of Life"
Our small, vibrant, and growing congregation serves the Reform Jewish communities of southwest Denver, Littleton, Lakewood, Highlands Ranch, the Ken Caryl area and the nearby foothills.
Our synagogue offers a warm and caring place for study, worship, and community under the leadership of Rabbi Kim Harris.
Our membership includes young families, single parent families, single and married adults, empty nesters, retirees, Jews by birth, Jews by choice, parents raising Jewish children, Jews of the LGBT community, secular Jews, multicultural families, and those who are rediscovering their Jewish identities.
Please browse our website to learn more about us: Worship Services, Religious School, Youth Group, calendar, and directions and contact info.
And join us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bnaichaim
Did you know that B'nai Chaim has partnered with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) to bring opportunities for Jewish study right to your email inbox? Five days a week, the URJ publishes Ten Minutes of Torah, a daily email. Join the thousands of others who open their email to study a commentary on the week’s Torah portion, read about a significant moment in Jewish history, connect with life in Israel, or learn about an upcoming holiday.
In just ten minutes, you can add to your Jewish knowledge. You can even read Ten Minutes of Torah on the go with your smartphone or tablet.
Sign up for this and other URJ newsletters here.
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
Regular Gatherings
Shabbat Services listed on Calendar Book Club - Meets the 2nd Monday of each month. Join us for our lively discussions. Both women and men are welcome. Schedule. L'chaim - Living Life Over 50. Shabbat Walk & Torah Talk - Meets the 2nd Saturday of each month. Enjoy a walk, a nosh, and study the Torah portion of the week. Wine and Dine - Socializing with friends. Mah Jongg - Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. Board Meeting - Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM. |
Beit Midrash
Beit Midrash means House of Learning. Read more here soon. Adult Hebrew -- Beginner and up. Judaism Through the Lens of History -- Fascinating stories of our past. |
Jewish Community Resources
Hebcal - Holidays and Parashot -- Jewish Calendar JCC - Jewish Community Center -- Family Programs JCRC - Jewish Community Relations Council -- JEWISHcolorado JFS - Jewish Family Service Kavod - Kavod Senior Life URJ - Union for Reform Judaism |
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King Soopers rewards benefit the synagogue. Follow these instructions.
Our congregation is governed by these bylaws.
Read about the history of B'nai Chaim.
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